Tag: MSP430

  • TI MSP-EXP430G2 – Hello world

    Hi folks, as I promised to myself, I’ve started playng with MCUs. I’d like to get started with Arduino board but, the big deal with TI Stellaris Launchpad was to big. Because of I’m still waiting for the board (maybe at home for late november), I decided to buy another interesting board: the Texas Instruments…

  • And the MCU’s adventure keep on going: TI MSP430EXP-G2

    In the mean time I’l get the two couples of boards from Stellairs Launchpad, I decided to buy one MSP430-G2 board. At the very beginning it seemed to me a good idea. TI boards cost a quite a few compared to Arduino stuff and performances are better, as well. Because off my newbie in programming…