Tag: vegan

  • Vegan sandwich with tuna like flavour

    Vegan sandwich with tuna like flavour

    Trying different recipe to catch the best flavour   Hi folks, I must to admit that tuna flavour is maybe one of the most missing one from time I’ve gone vegan. Tuna is not only a tasty meal but a very “versatile” food to realize from starter to complex recipe rather than succulent snack like…

  • Chickpeas, rice and vegetables for a fast and veg meal

    Chickpeas, rice and vegetables for a fast and veg meal

    The fastest way to get a veg meal in few minutes Yesterday night I came back quite late and I was really hungry. Time was very few so, I needed to be as fast as possible. In the fridge there were some veggies and I prepared some chickpeas, early in the morning before go to…

  • Liberi di essere diversi o diversamente liberi?

    Liberi di essere diversi o diversamente liberi?

    Vi siete mai chiesti cosa significhi essere liberi? La prima cosa che viene in mente, credo, è la libertà fisica: o sei un prigioniero o sei libero. Poi c’è la libertà fisica e quella psichica, direi. C’è chi si sente libero pur stando in gabbia e chi, pur stando all’aria aperta si sente prigioniero come…